September 28, 2023

October 2-6


  • Vocabulary test on Thursday, October the 5th – Corrections on October the 6th
  • October 16th: Student Holiday/Teacher Professional Development
  • Homework goes home Fridays and is due the following Thursday.

Vocabulary Words (academic) -summary, theme, character, traits, author’s purpose, author’s message, plot, sequence, setting, stanza, poem, lines, rhyming words, rhyme scheme, imagery

Prefixes: im- and in- meaning “in, into”, dis-, non-, in-, ir-, il-, and im- meaning “not, non, opposite of”, pre- meaning “before”

Suffixes: -ness having the nature of, -y characterized by, -ful full of, -er person connected with, -en to become


Reading –

We are diving deep in passage work this week! We will use our reading strategies to monitor our comprehension by note taking as we read, circling key words in questions, and eliminating “out there” answer choices.

  • I will do one in front of them on Monday.
  • They will do one with their table groups on Tuesday.
  • They will complete one with partners on Wednesday.
  • They will complete a STAAR Master on their own by the end of the week.  (Thursday/Friday)

The purpose for this is to build their passage stamina.

3.8A infer the theme of a work, distinguishing these from topic

3.8C analyze plot elements, including the sequence of events, the conflicts and resolution


Writing –

We are introducing into how we answer questions in the correct written form by using our RACE strategy. R – restate the question, A – answer the question, C – cite your answer, E – explain what it means.

3.2Av decoding words with knowledge of prefixes

3.2Avi decoding words using knowledge of suffixes, including how they change base words- dropping e, changing y to i, double final consonant

3.2Avii spelling words using knowledge of suffixes, including how they change base words such as dropping e, y to i, doubling final consonant

3.2Bvi spelling words using knowledge of prefixes

3.11D complete simple, compound sentences w/ sub, verb agreement


Social Studies –

3.10B, 3.14B, 3.15E Compare ethic and/or cultural celebrations in the local community with other communities (focus on the different celebrations)

September 22, 2023

September 22 – 29


  • No School on Friday, September the 29th
  • Big Kahuna Fundraiser @7:45-8:30 on September the 27th
  • Poetry test on Wednesday, September the 27th
  • Homework goes home Fridays and is due the following Thursday.

Read aloud vocabulary words will go home on Monday. (stammered, surveyed, crowed, penned, luscious, treller, samovar)


NOTE TO PARENTS: The past few weeks we have reviewed 2nd grade skills to refresh their memory from over summer break. We really dove into 3rd grade skills this past week. They completed their first 3rd grade passage online and it was a doozy. The rigor has been upped to prepare your kiddos for 3rd grade and beyond.  A little reminder that 3rd grade is a big transition for your kiddo(s). They are given more responsibility and are expected to work independently. There will be some growing pains for them in the upcoming weeks, but that is to be expected. I promise that they are all doing the absolute best they can especially with the big jump from 2nd to 3rd grade. Ms. Wells and I are SO PROUD of each and every one!!


Reading –

We will zone in on characterizations and changes in characters throughout stories, syllabication,  and review poetry elements before our poetry test.

3.8A infer the theme of a work, distinguishing these from topic

3.8C analyze plot elements, including the sequence of events, the conflicts and resolution


Writing –

3.2Av decoding words with knowledge of prefixes

3.2Bvi spelling words using knowledge of prefixes

3.11D complete simple, compound sentences w/ sub, verb agreement


Social Studies –

3.10B, 3.14B, 3.15E Compare ethic and/or cultural celebrations in the local community with other communities

September 15, 2023

September 18 – 22


  • Homework went home today. It is due on Thursday, but it can be turned in early.
  • Early release on Wednesday, September the 20th.

Vocabulary words will go home on Monday, and the test will be given on Thursday.

HFW: brown, every, have, long, open, see, these, water, again, but


Reading –

3.8A infer the theme of a work, distinguishing these from topic

3.8C analyze plot elements, including the sequence of events, the conflicts and resolution

3.8D explain the influence of the setting on the plot

3.9B rhyme scheme, sound devices, and structural elements such as stanzas

3.10D use of imagery, literal and figurative language such as simile and sound devices such as onomatopoeia


Writing –

3.2Biii spelling compound words, contractions and abbreviations

3.11A plan first draft by selecting a genre for topic, purpose, and audience

3.11D complete simple, compound sentences w/ sub, verb agreement


Social Studies –

We will talk about urban, suburban, and rural communities as well as local and state government.

September 8, 2023

September 11 – 15


  • REMINDER: Homework went home Friday, September the 8th. It is due on Thursday, September the 14th. This will be the homework schedule every week unless it is announced that we will not have homework.
  • Book bags will be passed out on Monday, September the 18th. At first, they will remain at school. They will need to show me that they are responsible enough before they are allowed to go home with them as they are school property and cost a lot of money. Once they are given the green light to take the books home for the week, they MUST RETURN the books on the THURSDAY of that current week. This lets me track down any books before the weekend.
  • Fall pictures are Thursday the 14th. If you want to order pictures then please fill out the order form that was sent home in your child’s folder on Friday, September the 8th.

HFW: brown, every, have, long, open, see, these, water, again, but

Read Aloud Vocabulary: proud, humming, pudding. minced, serenade, warm the shivers off, eggbeater, shooed, clarinet (can be found on Quizlet at: In My Momma’s Kitchen (read aloud week of Sept. 11-15)

Reading –

3.2Aiv decoding words using syllable division patterns such as VCCV, VCV and VCCC

3.8A infer the theme of a work, distinguishing these from topic

3.8C analyze plot elements, including the sequence of events, the conflicts and resolution

3.8D explain the influence of the setting on the plot


Writing –

3.2Bv spelling words using knowledge of syllable divisions patterns such as VCCV, VCV, and VCCCV

3.2Biii spelling compound words, contractions and abbreviations

3.11D complete simple, compound sentences w/ sub, verb agreement

SPECIAL WRITING NOTE: Please have your child practice writing their first and last name. It is not only important for them to be able to write their first and last name on their papers but also for security reasons in and out of school functions.

Social Studies – This will be a Social Studies review week. We will review class communities, communities around us, and the differences and similarities in the local and state government.

September 2, 2023

September 4 – 8


  • September 4th – Labor Day (NO SCHOOL)
  • Graded papers will go home on Wednesday, September 6th.
  • Homework will go home for the first time on Friday, September 8th! It will be due the following Thursday. (September 14th) The homework should look very familiar (wink wink)!


Reading –

3.8C analyze plot elements, including the sequence of events, the conflicts and resolution


Writing –

3.2Aiii decoding compound words, contractions and abbreviations

3.2Biii spelling compound words, contractions and abbreviations


Social Studies –

We will learn about the different elected officials in cities and states.

August 27, 2023

August 28 – September 1


  • Monday, September 4th – Labor Day


  • Please continue to sign your child’s planner each night!
  • We will have a grammar test on Friday. (Noun, verbs, adjectives, capitalization, and punctuation)
  • There will also be a High Frequency word spelling test this week (3.2.A.vii) . These are words each student should be able to decode and spell in context and on its own. (See list under Reading section)


Reading –

3.8A infer the theme of a work, distinguishing these from topic

3.8D explain the influence of the setting on the plot

Story vocabulary – unfamiliar, barrel, bummer, allowance, silently, reduced, drizzle, protested, redemption center, breathlessly

academic vocabulary: fiction, genre, plot, setting, characters, theme (author’s message)

HFW: about, bring, even, has, live, only, say, there, wash, after


Writing –

3.11A plan first draft by selecting a genre for topic, purpose, and audience

We will take a grade over our written response to The Can Man.


Social Studies – We will be learning about the White Oak Infrastructure. (3.2A, 3.14B, 3.14C, 3.15A, 3.15D, 3.15E)

August 18, 2023

Learning Goals for Week of August 21-25

We are learning so much in 3rd grade! We have reviewed nouns, common and proper nouns, singular and plural nouns and how to find nouns in a sentence (3.11Diii). We read stories and talked about why the setting it important to the story (3.8D). Nest week we will learn the following skills:

Reading: We will read Sophie’s Masterpiece as our interactive read aloud. As we read, we will practice the following skills: 3.2Bi spelling multisyllabic words: open/closed, VCe, voewel teams, dipthongs and diagraphs, r-controlled, final stable consonant; 3.7B write a response to a literary or informational text that demonstrates an understanding of text ; 3.7C use text evidence to support an appropriate response ; 3.8B explain the relationships among the major and minor characters. We will have a sight word grade at the end of the week.

Writing: We will respond to the text we read. We will learn to identify adjectives and how they are used in writing (3.11Div adjectives, including comparative and superlative forms ). Students will brainstorm important ideas (3.11A plan first draft by selecting a genre for topic, purpose, and audience). 

Social Studies: Students will analyze the reason why communities are formed and evaluate the importance of the rule of the law (3.2A, 3.14B, 3.14C, 3.15A, 3.15D, 3.15E).-vocabulary: community, material well being, laws, citizen



Universal Screener is Monday and Tuesday. 

Please continue to sign your child’s planner each night!