December 15, 2023

December 18-20

Important Dates:

  • December 18th – PJ day
  • December 19th – Ugly Christmas sweaters
  • December 20th – a chance to be “Grinchy” (Christmas colors)
  • December 20th – class Christmas party at 9am (you may take your child home after the party)
  • December 20th – half day/early release

Reading/Writing – We will have our play dress rehearsal and the play presentation with other 3rd grade classes.


Social Studies – We will finish up our Landform unit.

December 8, 2023

December 11 – 15


  • Class Christmas Party is December the 20th
  • Early release – December 20th

Reading –

We will be reviewing for the 2nd nine weeks common assessment.


Writing –

We will be reviewing for the 2nd nine weeks common assessment.


Social Studies –

The students will color their landforms that they sculpted the week before. We will wrap up our unit on landforms.

December 1, 2023

December 4 – 8


  • Homework goes home on Fridays and is due the following Thursday.

Reading – 3.9C

We will introduce the elements of drama: characters, dialogue, setting, acts (Reader’s Theater)


Writing – 3.11C

We will publish our writing after we go through the rough draft and editing/revising process.

We will continue to work on revising and editing.


Social Studies – 3.11C, 3.12B

We will create a landform that we researched from last week.

November 24, 2023

November 27 – December 1


  • Homework is sent home every Friday and is due the following Thursday.


Reading – 3.9Di, 3.9Diii

We will look at different  text structures of informational texts. (cause and effect) Once we learn them all, we will work on telling them apart in groups. 


Writing  – 3.11C

We will publish our writing after we go through the rough draft and editing/revising process.

Social Studies – 3.11C, 3.12B

We will research one landform so that we can make a salt dough landform next week. 

November 8, 2023

November 13 – 17


  • Thanksgiving Break: November 20th – 24th
  • Homework goes home every Friday and is due the following Thursday.


Reading –

3.9Di central idea with supporting evidence

3.9Diii non-fiction organization patterns such as cause/effect and problem/solution, description, compare/contrast, sequence


Writing –

3.11C revise drafts to improve sentence structure and word choice


Social Studies –

3.5ABCD – maps and cardinal directions

November 1, 2023

November 6 – 10


  • Homework goes home Fridays and is due the following Thursday
  • Field Trip – Tuesday, November 7th

PARENT NOTE: I am noticing that a lot of the students are rushing through their STAAR Master stories. They should not finish in under 10 minutes. We have a class talk before each one about making sure you do not rush, reread the story if you are confused, and to reread if you get stuck on a question instead of guessing ,as well as, going back over the story and questions when you finish. As we go over the questions, as a class, a lot of them are saying things along the lines of  “I don’t know why I picked this answer when I should have chose that one” or “duh”. It is great that these lightbulbs are going off when we are making corrections, but they cannot make corrections on the real STAAR. If you could please help me enforce that it is VERY important to not rush through the STAAR Masters, or anything. They show SO MUCH growth when they take their time and do not rush, but you cannot see that when they rush! Thank you all so much for your support in helping your kiddo(s) be the very best they can be!


Reading –

3.9Di central idea with supporting evidence

3.9Diii non-fiction organization patterns such as cause/effect and problem/solution, description, compare/contrast, sequence


Writing –

3.11C revise drafts to improve sentence structure and word choice


Social Studies –

3.14C we will discuss veterans day and the significance of it

October 24, 2023

October 30 – November 3


  • Homework goes home Fridays and is due the following Thursday.
  • Story Book Character Dress Up Day – Tuesday, October 31st
  • Field Trip – Wednesday, November 1st

Reading –

We will dive deeper into nonfiction texts and text features. We will compare and contrast nonfiction and fiction texts by completing a variety of activities through out the week. We begin looking for the central idea in texts by using the supporting evidence.

3.3D identify, use and explain the meaning of antonyms, synonyms, idioms, homophones and homographs in text.

3.9Dii Text features: tables, graphs, timelines, bullets, numbers, bold/italicized font

3.9Di central idea with supporting evidence


Writing –

We will write an informational text about ourselves, practice answering questions with our strategies, and learn the difference between homophone spellings.

3.2Bii Spelling homophone

3.12B compose informational texts, including brief compositions and convey information about a topic


Social Studies –

3.3ABC and 3.14ABC

We will continue to introduce the different types of landforms and their characteristics.

October 19, 2023

October 23-27


  • Homework goes home Fridays and is due the following Thursday.
  • Red Ribbon Week: October 23 – 27 Monday: wear red, Tuesday: PJ day, Wednesday: hat day, Thursday: athletic clothes, Friday: roughneck gear
  • Wednesday, October the 25th – early release at 11:30
  • Thursday, October the 26th – yearbook pictures retakes
  • Friday. October the 27th – 3rd grade musical @9:30am

Reading –

We will review nonfiction texts. We will compare and contrast nonfiction and fiction texts by completing a variety of activities through out the week.

We will introduce text features found in nonfiction texts.

3.3D identify, use and explain the meaning of antonyms, synonyms, idioms, homophones and homographs in text.

3.9Dii Text features: tables, graphs, timelines, bullets, numbers, bold/italicized font


Writing –

We will write an informational text about ourselves, practice answering questions with our strategies, and learn the difference between homophone spellings.

3.2Bii Spelling homophone

3.12B compose informational texts, including brief compositions and convey information about a topic

3.11C revise drafts to improve sentence structure and word choice


Social Studies –

3.3ABC and 3.14ABC

We will introduce the different types of landforms and their characteristics.

October 13, 2023

October 16 – 20


  • BOOK FAIR October 17th – 20th
  • October 16th: Student Holiday/Teacher Professional Development
  • October 17th: BIG KAHUNA FORMS DUE
  • October 18th: Dyslexia Students travel to Region 7
  • October 20th (Friday): Parent Lunches for 3rd grade – our lunch starts at 11:30 – make sure to get here early
  • Homework goes home Fridays and is due the following Thursday.
  • Red Ribbon Week: October 23 – 27 Monday: wear red, Tuesday: PJ day, Wednesday: hat day, Thursday: athletic clothes, Friday: roughneck gear

PARENT NOTE: We have entered the 1st nine weeks test scores into Skyward as a no count, so it does not count toward your kiddos grade, this time. If you have any questions please let me know!


Reading –

We will introduce nonfiction texts. We will compare and contrast nonfiction and fiction texts by completing a variety of activities through out the week.

3.3D identify, use and explain the meaning of antonyms, synonyms, idioms, homophones and homographs in text.


Writing –

We will write an informational text about ourselves, practice answering questions with our strategies, and learn the difference between homophone spellings.

3.2Bii Spelling homophone

3.12B compose informational texts, including brief compositions and convey information about a topic


Social Studies – 3.3ABC and 3.14ABC

We will introduce the physical environment before we jump into learning about the different types of landforms.

October 6, 2023

October 9-13


  • Vocabulary test on Thursday, October the 12th
  • Wednesday, October the 11th – ELAR COMMON ASSESSMENT
  • October 16th: Student Holiday/Teacher Professional Development
  • Homework goes home Fridays and is due the following Thursday.

Vocabulary Words: artificial, border, challah, huppa, kulich, ancestors, bouquet, bullring

HFW: there, wash, after, brown, every, about, open, again, bring, these, water, their, things, help, other, buy, they, seven

Prefixes: im- and in- meaning “in, into”, dis-, non-, in-, ir-, il-, and im- meaning “not, non, opposite of”, pre- meaning “before”

Suffixes: -ness having the nature of, -y characterized by, -ful full of, -er person connected with, -en to become

Affixes: im- (into), mon-, dis-, in-(not), non-(not), pre-, -ness, -y, and -ful


PARENT NOTE: On Friday (October 6th) your kiddo(s) completed their FIRST STAAR Master! This is a STAAR-like passage with STAAR-like questions. With that being said, it is challenging for your children. Especially with it being the first one. After I graded them, I gave them back to your kiddo(s) to make corrections. Many where able to see where they went wrong, and I saw many light bulbs go off! A lot of the errors where due to them rushing. I explained to them that it is only up from here with a few rough bumps that are guaranteed that we will see. They worked SO hard on their corrections, and I am SO proud of them ALL!!


Reading –

We will be reviewing what we have learned so far for our ELAR common assessment on Wednesday.

3.3C identify the meaning of and use words with affixes, such as im- (into), mon-, dis-, in-(not), non-(not), pre-, -ness, -y, and -ful

3.8A infer the theme of a work, distinguishing these from topic

3.8C analyze plot elements, including the sequence of events, the conflicts and resolution


Writing –

We will be reviewing what we have learned so far for our ELAR common assessment on Wednesday.

3.2Av decoding words with knowledge of prefixes

3.2Avi decoding words using knowledge of suffixes, including how they change base words- dropping e, changing y to i, double final consonant

3.2Avii spelling words using knowledge of suffixes, including how they change base words such as dropping e, y to i, doubling final consonant

3.2Bvi spelling words using knowledge of prefixes

3.11D complete simple, compound sentences w/ sub, verb agreement


Social Studies –

3.10B, 3.14B, 3.15E We are tying our social studies and ELAR into each other. Our read aloud talks about heirlooms, so we will create a class heirloom. We will talk about the importance of heirlooms that are passed down from generation to generation.