- Homework goes home Fridays and is due the following Thursday
- Field Trip – Tuesday, November 7th
PARENT NOTE: I am noticing that a lot of the students are rushing through their STAAR Master stories. They should not finish in under 10 minutes. We have a class talk before each one about making sure you do not rush, reread the story if you are confused, and to reread if you get stuck on a question instead of guessing ,as well as, going back over the story and questions when you finish. As we go over the questions, as a class, a lot of them are saying things along the lines of “I don’t know why I picked this answer when I should have chose that one” or “duh”. It is great that these lightbulbs are going off when we are making corrections, but they cannot make corrections on the real STAAR. If you could please help me enforce that it is VERY important to not rush through the STAAR Masters, or anything. They show SO MUCH growth when they take their time and do not rush, but you cannot see that when they rush! Thank you all so much for your support in helping your kiddo(s) be the very best they can be!
Reading –
3.9Di central idea with supporting evidence
3.9Diii non-fiction organization patterns such as cause/effect and problem/solution, description, compare/contrast, sequence
Writing –
3.11C revise drafts to improve sentence structure and word choice
Social Studies –
3.14C we will discuss veterans day and the significance of it